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As I sat in my study room, surrounded by unfinished projects and books that were now dusty, I couldn’t help but feel like I was stuck in the middle of a foreign environment without a compass or a roadmap.

I know I had always been passionate about art, music, and writing but my career path had taken a completely different direction. I was working in a corporate job, feeling really unfulfilled and out of touch from my real passions.

I needed to make a change. I knew. But the issue was that I was clueless about how and where to start.

I felt like I was faced with many options, but I was really doubtful of which path to take.

Somehow, I got to know about profile assessments from one of my friends. Though I had heard of them before, I didn’t really think they were important.

Then, something very interesting caught my attention. As my friend explained it to me, she talked about how it’ll give me an understanding of myself, my potential, my strengths and weaknesses and clarity on the next line of action to take in my career path.

That kinda triggered my interest.

I started to do research on profile assessments, and then I realized that they were more than just random tools – they were actually tools for self-discovery.

The truth I came to find out is this: By garnering an in-depth understanding of our personality traits, strengths, weaknesses and values, we can create a roadmap for career growth that really aligns with our personal needs, desires and goals.

So I decided I’ll take the plunge and give the profile assessment thingy a try! Honestly, as I proceeded to do this, my head got really hazy because I became a bit nervous, uneasy, doubtful and agitated – all at the same time. It was more like euphoria and eagerness mixed with anxiety and doubt; an emotional mix-up.

Thoughts like, “What exactly would it say about me? Would it give correct answers? Will this be It? Will this be the moment when I get the exact answers to the questions that have been plaguing my mind for sometime now? Just, what was it going to be???


Out, came the results!

And what I saw was a shock.

They were unlike anything I had ever seen before.

It showed that I was an introverted lady who loved to be independent, creative and flexible. As for my strengths, they were listed out too: in critical thinking, problem-solving and communication.

One very surprising aspect was my preferred work environment. As it was stated: my ideal work environment was one that allowed for constant learning, cooperation and innovation.

As I perused the results, something hit me! Something became much clearer to me. I became self-aware! This was what made me tick. For the very first time in a long time, I felt like I was staring at myself with fresh eyes! I saw that my challenges in my workplace weren’t because I wasn’t made for it, but because I wasn’t being true to myself.

However, the profile assessment didn’t stop at revealing my strengths and weaknesses alone. It also gave me direction for my career growth. It made me know that my strengths and values fit a specific type of role – one that gave me the freedom to exercise my creative skills to drive innovation and make a difference. And it gave me the boldness and energy I needed to pursue those opportunities.

Taking the assessment results, I used them to create a personalized development plan.

First up, I enrolled for courses on graphic design and photography, sharpened my writing skills through freelance writing gigs, and wonderfully began to interact with various professionals (these professionals were in my desired field, of course!).

Guess what happened in about 5-6 months down the pike!

I landed my dream job!

Oh, yes!

It was a beautiful fit for me!

It was a job that allowed me to use my creative skills to exercise innovation and stand out. The truth is, it wasn’t easy at all – there were still setbacks and challenges along the way. But for the first time in years, I felt like I was on the right path! It gave a different kind of feeling!

The profile assessment wasn’t just a random tool – rather, it was a tool I needed for self-discovery! It helped me look at myself through fresh eyes, know and sharpen my strengths, work on my weaknesses, and have a roadmap for career growth that was really aligned with my personal desires, goals and aspirations.

Before I move on, let me quickly clarify a popular myth here…

Profile assessments aren’t just limited to personal cases. No, not at all. They can actually be used by different companies to get insights about their employees’ strengths, weaknesses, values and motivations. This really helps employers to create more effective and cooperative teams, create targeted training programs, and give personalized support to their employees.

One thing that strikes me about profile assessments is their ability to render practical insights into our careers.

Those insights are very vital because when we know our personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, values and motivations, we get better at making insight-based decisions about our career path – whether we’re changing careers altogether or finding ways to include our passions into our current role.

Are there limitations to profile assessments?

Yes, there are!

I believe this is a popular myth around the topic of profile assessments. It’s pertinent to note that profile assessments are NOT infallible – they’re based on algorithms and statistical models that might either be flawed or biased. And they’re not meant to be taken as gospel – they’re meant to be used as a starting point for self-discovery and growth.

Final Words…

Profile assessments have been a turning point for me, and I believe they can be for you too!

But what if I told you that you could land that tech job you’ve been dreaming of, before 2024 comes to an end?

And yes, I mean just that!

When you take the FREE profile assessment at PhlyterAssessment.com, you’ll gain access to our training and mentorship programs and also have the opportunity of landing that job in tech you’ve been dreaming of!

If that sounds like something you’d like to do, then, head on to PhlyterAssessment.com to get your profile assessment done right now!

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