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As I sat in my dimly lit room that morning, surrounded by the hum of fluorescent lights and the soft chatter of colleagues, I couldn’t just help but feel a sense of uneasiness. This was the same feeling I had for many Monday mornings, as the weekend’s leisure and freedom gave way to the drudgery of another long week at the office.

Little did I know that my colleagues were about to embark on a journey that would change the way we approached success, motivation, and more interestingly, our own careers!

It was going to be that journey that would take us into the very heart of human psychology, and unravel the hidden forces that spur us to action and drive our decisions.

The Science Behind Profile Assessments

It all began with a very simple question:

What drives us? What is that thing that makes us get off the bed in the morning, tackle the obstacles that lie ahead, and work hard for success?

It’s not actually a complicated question.

As it turns out, the answer is found in something called the Motivation Matrix.

This groundbreaking concept which was developed by Dr. Edward Deci and Dr. Richard Ryan, who were psychologists, reveals that the things that motivate us are not just driven by external factors like rewards or punishment, but by three basic needs. These needs are: autonomy, competence, and relatedness.

Autonomy: It’s the need for freedom, independence, and control over one’s actions and decisions.

Competence: It’s the need to feel capable, effective, and successful in achieving your goals.

Relatedness: It’s simply the human need to relate with others, build relationships, and feel a sense of belonging.

These needs are not separate from each other, rather, they are interconnected and mutually powerful. When one of the needs mentioned is met, it can have a positive effect on the other two.

So What Is the Profile Assessment Matrix Really All About?

As we went deeper into the Motivation Matrix, we began to understand its profound implications. We realized that people who scored high on autonomy were very likely to be entrepreneurial, self-motivated, and enjoyed taking risks.

On the other hand, those who scored high on competence were people who were likely to detail-oriented, analytical, and enjoyed solving complex problems.

And those with a high score on relatedness were more likely to be collaborative, empathetic and enjoyed building strong relationships.

But here’s the kicker: These needs are not fixed or inherent. They can be influenced by our experiences, our environment, and even our choices.

Here’s How The Profile Assessment Matrix Elevated Our Game

As we applied the Motivation Matrix to our own lives, we began to see dramatic changes! We got to know that by understanding our own needs and motivations, we could explore our full potential and achieve success on our own terms.

For me, it was truly a game-changer!

I realized that I was autonomy-centered, with a strong passion for independence and control. But I had been suppressing this need by taking on too many responsibilities at work. Consequently, I always felt empty and unfulfilled; it wasn’t a funny experience.

But by making some simple changes like giving tasks to others, setting boundaries with my colleagues, and taking my own autonomy seriously – I felt an unusual sense of motivation and energy! For me, it was like an answered prayer. I started feeling fulfilled!

Actually, for the first time in a long time, I was no longer just going through the motions; I was living for myself!

The Profile Assessment Matrix Produced A Serious Ripple Effect!

As we shared this newfound discovery with others, we started to see a ripple effect of motivation and success spread like wildfire throughout the organization!

Some colleagues who had recently battled with motivation began to find their footing. They realized their own desires and needs, and began to dovetail their goals with their values. It was so fulfilling to see others share in the same joy we experienced! It was such a memorable experience. The impact was highly profound!

Energy and determination improved, productivity increased, and turnover rates skyrocketed! It was just as if the whole organization had been transformed by a single lesson, which is the fact that: Our motivations are not only propelled by external factors, but by fundamental needs that can be understood and met.

The Conclusion of Everything I’ve Pointed Out Is This:

The Motivation Matrix is not only a tool for personal growth, no. It’s a key to discovering our full potential both as people and as organizations. By understanding the unseen forces that propel us to take action, we can create environments that help us to embrace our needs and desires.

So now, dear reader, it’s time to stop asking, “What’s driving me?” and instead, start asking “What do I need?” By doing that, you can unlock your full potential and achieve success on your own terms!

However, don’t forget this: You are not just a cog in the machine, not at all. You are a unique person with your own needs and motivations. It’s about time to take charge of your own journey and unleash your inner potential!

But, don’t leave just yet.

Before I draw the curtain for this blog post, dear reader, I have something juicy to tell you…

What does working in an organization that has a culture and environment that aligns with your career path, goals and dreams sound like? I’m talking about an organization that has your personality type, skillset and work ethic as a requirement for one of its roles.

I guess you’re already imagining it right now. Smiles.

Allow me to take you a step further…

What does it feel like to work in such a company this year? I mean before 2024 comes to an end?

Does that sound like a “far-fetched something” to you?

I guess so.

Probably because you’ve been applying for different jobs that dovetail with your passions and skills but it keeps looking like wasted effort. I know that feeling.

It’s primarily because of that reason I want to tell you this:

Getting your desired job in tech is more than possible when you take our free profile assessment at PhlyterAssessment.com.

And no, I’m not kidding.

At Phlyter, we have a FREE job support program specially reserved for you when you attempt our profile assessment.

When you take our FREE profile assessment at PhlyterAssessment.com, you’ll have access to our training and mentorship programs and also get a huge opportunity to land that job in tech you’ve been dreaming of!

What does getting access to the benefits mentioned above sound like?

Well, getting these benefits is pretty easy:

Simply head on to PhlyterAssessment.com to get your profile assessment done right away!

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