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Yes, the world is evolving!

And it’s interesting to see that thought leaders stand tall, not just because of their competence, but because of their ability to impact the lives of others.

Growing this influence properly is not really a complicated task. It only requires that you give proper attention to the important things that are needed to expand your reach.

To grow this influence effectively, it’s crucial to know and assess your own profile and the strengths and weaknesses that can be utilized for greater influence.

This blog post goes deep into the secrets of profile assessment which will be beneficial for both aspiring and current thought leaders. I’ll also offer practical insights that can help to strengthen your influence.


Let’s go!

Let’s start by laying the groundwork.

What is Influence in Thought Leadership?(Profile Assessment Secrets)

In the context of thought leadership, influence is not just about having a large amount of followers. Nah. Rather, it’s about the capability to lead conversations, inspire people to take action and change their perceptions as well.

It’s a MUST for a thought leader to possess a combination of visibility, connection with his/her audience and credibility.

Now that we’ve clarified what influence is, let’s move on to the next.

Is Profile Assessment a Necessary Tool for Thought Leadership?

Absolutely! A profile assessment is the first step you need to take if you want to understand your unique position as a thought leader.


It comprises so many factors like reflecting on your experiences, skills and values, and how these elements harmonize with the needs of your target audience.

Let’s look at some key factors to consider:

  • Your Skill and Expertise: What specific knowledge do you offer? What is that thing you bring to the table? Be clear on it. Assess your soft skills, your unique knowledge and your technical skills too. Actually, most thought leaders are known to have niche expertise that make them stand out.
  • Your Personal Brand: It’s simply the way you present yourself in the online and offline environments. It’s necessary for your brand to showcase your competence and your values. This makes it easier for people to recognize your uniqueness and professionalism.
  • People’s Perception: How does your audience perceive you? Get feedback from mentors, friends, colleagues and your audience to help you gauge your impact and recognize the areas for improvement.
  • Your Network: Who are the key people in your relationships? When you know the value of your network, it can help you maximize relationships and consequently, amplify your voice.

These factors are essentially the groundwork. Now, let’s explore the various profile assessment techniques.

The Profile Assessment Techniques

  • The SWOT examination: SWOT simply means your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Doing a SWOT examination will give you comprehensive insights about your profile.
  • Strengths: What do you do best? Identify it. It may be your communication skills, industry experience and so on.
  • Weaknesses: Identify areas for improvement. For example, you may struggle with public speaking or you haven’t developed a solid online presence.
  • Opportunities: Identify trends in your industry or weak areas that you can improve on with your skill.
  • Threats: What are the external factors that have the ability to limit your impact? Is it competition and what not? Pay attention to them.
  • The 360-Degree Report: Like I stated earlier, getting feedback from your mentors, friends and even those you lead can go a long way to give you valuable information about how your impact is perceived. This will help you recognize areas for improvement.
  • The Online Presence Audit: You know that your online presence has a huge impact on your influence, right? Oh, yes, it does! It’s wise to do an audit of your social media profiles and anywhere you have published content. Ponder on these questions:
  • Is your messaging consistent on every platform?
  • Do you engage with your audience frequently?
  • Does your content give value and go hand-in-hand with your expertise?
  • The Core Values Assessment: What motivates you? What are your core values and how do they suit your audience’s needs? This connection is important because it improves your credibility.

Now, Build On Your Profile Assessment!

How do you do that? Let’s quickly see 5 ways to strengthen your influence as a thought leader.

  • Maximize Your Strengths: Put the spotlight on areas you’re good at! It could be speaking, writing and so on.
  • Identify Your Weaknesses: Think of ways to work on your weaknesses. If public speaking is a struggle, consider joining organizations to sharpen your skills. Constant learning and development are necessary to maintain influence.
  • Grow Your Network: Intentionally do this by attending conferences, participating in groups related to your expertise and engaging on social media. When you build relationships with other thought leaders, it can improve your influence!
  • Create Valuable Content: Content is such a powerful tool! Offer insights and experiences through blog posts, videos or podcasts. Your content should not only be informative, it should also align with the interests of your audience.
  • Engage! Engaging sincerely with your audience fosters relationships. React and respond to comments. Participate in discussions. Just show genuine love and care for your audience! Be authentic about it too.

Gauging Your Influence(Profile Assessment Secrets)

Here, I’ll quickly show you 4 metrics to consider:

  • Check Your Engagement Rates: Your likes, comments, shares, and overall engagement.
  • Check Your Follower Growth: Observe this across all platforms.
  • Your Feedback: Get testimonials or feedback from your audience to measure your impact.
  • Speaking Opportunities: When your requests for speaking engagements increase, it shows your impact is growing!

Final Words…

If you read till this point, then you are just one step away from growing your influence as a thought leader!


Taking our FREE profile assessment at PhlyterAssesment.com means that you’ll have access to our mentorship and training programs.

Our mentorship and training programs are aimed at helping you boost your visibility and credibility either as an aspiring or a current thought leader, while causing you to stand out in a very crowded and competitive market!

And of course, all these come with a HUGE PLUS – an opportunity to get your dream job in tech before the end of 2024!

If getting noticed in a competitive market, cultivating influence faster and maintaining it sounds like something you’re interested in, head on to PhlyterAssessment.com to take your FREE profile assessment right now!

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