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For you, today is the first day of a successful new year.

Not because it’s New Year’s day, but because you clicked this link. And because the information contained in this post is going to help you with your 2023 marketing strategies.

It is bound to transform your marketing efforts in the new year and beyond if adhered to.

You see, digital marketing is the fastest-rising marketing medium in the world. Whether it is social media marketing, email marketing or long-form content marketing via blog posts and technical writing, product marketing or growth marketing, the world is shifting bases towards grabbing a controlling stake in the digital world.

With so much competition for the attention of a few, most of who already have brands they trust to do business with, what then, are your chances?

Why digital marketing?

The fact that this question has to be answered in this day and age shows you how much of an evolution it has undergone since it first became recognised as a marketing medium.

When it was first introduced, it was unilaterally defined then as the process of creating awareness for a brand online to generate leads that become clients or paying customers.

The definition has not changed much since then, but now, there are a lot of other factors to consider.

Factors like where your consumers are (what platforms they spend time on the most), what they interact with online (what kinds of content they consume), their general likes and dislikes, and their thoughts about certain products and/or services are key considerations in digital marketing efforts.

Now, digital marketing is not only focused on marketing a brand to customers but BUILDING relationships between customers and brands.

Your 2023 marketing strategies must focus on building a relationship between your customers and your brand.Do this, and you will have loyal paying customers in no time.#WWConference3 Click To Tweet

This sounds like a lot of work, right?

But if you are reading this, you know that the effort put into digital marketing is nothing compared to the effort put into traditional marketing.

And this is why it is the fastest-rising marketing channel because small businesses – all 332.99 million of them, according to 2021 data – and startups are making this their primary marketing effort.

Marketing Dos and Don’ts

DOS: Work twice as hard to develop a brand voice and identity

The reason this helps you become successful is that it makes people aware of your brand even if you’re not doing anything big.

Take telecommunications giant MTN for example.

Their yellow branding has become so iconic, that it is now memed with reference to them. So has their tagline, “Everywhere you go.”

They do not need to do any major advertising with such a standout identity and voice because they are ingrained in the subconscious minds of millions of Nigerians.

Another example is the fashion brand Ugo Monye.

The groundbreaking designer broke the internet with his agbada collection back in 2018 and has now become a reference point for fashion enthusiasts when it comes to agbada fashion.

Most of your marketing efforts will depend on this one thing, so give it ample time as you come up with your 2023 marketing strategies.

Standing out as a brand in the vast, endless ocean that is social media is difficult, but the easiest way is to spend time in developing a brand identity that is unmistakeably you.#WWConference3 Click To Tweet

DON’TS: Don’t fuel digital fatigue

Sabinus is currently one of the best skit makers in the country. For that reason, a lot of brands want to work with him.

One brand gives him a brief. You watch his skit advertising that brand, and you laugh. You also take note of the brand.

Two days later, you see Mr Macaroni doing a skit advertising the same brand. You laugh, because the skit is funny, and you recall that you had seen the same brand in Sabinus’ skit.

A few hours later, Taaooma’s skit comes on your feed, and there is the same brand, again. The loud laughter that you were cooking in your belly is suddenly seized and only a slight chuckle comes out.

You keep scrolling, and you see the same brand advertising on their own social media handle.

If you spend time on social media, you can relate to the above.

What was just described is called Digital Fatigue.

It is true that people are spending loads more time on their phones, so it is important that you market to them on mobile. But, if you keep bombarding them with the same thing, you will lose them before you even get them.

The fastest way to lose customers and traction?Bombard them with similar content.#WWConference3 Click To Tweet

DOS: Focus on features

Now, there is one way to get Sabinus, Mr Macaroni and Taaooma all talking about your brand and make it seem fresh.

Take a small fashion brand that makes different articles of clothing for men, women and children for example.

Sabinus could market to the men, Mr Macaroni to the women, and Taaooma to the children. That way, you pull the attention of people, who will more than likely seek out your brand’s social media or website to see all that you have to offer.

If you are a brand that creates a digital product, for example, a SaaS brand, focus on one or two solutions that your product offers AT A TIME. Use that to draw people in and show them the full range of what your product can do.

For this, you will probably need the services of a product marketer and as time goes on, a growth marketer.

DON’TS: Ignore content marketing at your own risk

You may think, “I only make and sell clothes. Why do I have to create so much content?”

The truth is, you don’t.

If you want to be one of the brands people tune out instinctively, that is.

You see, whether in your 2023 marketing strategies or in your 2024 marketing strategies or even in your 2029 marketing strategies, the role of content marketing cannot be overemphasised.

This is because:

  • Content marketing shows customers the true value of doing business with your brand or what they stand to gain by buying your product.
  • Content marketing helps you build the relationships that are key to getting loyal paying customers
  • Content marketing helps to show your knowledge of the problem the customer had before seeking your brand or product out as the solution.
  • Content marketing sets you apart from your competition
  • Content marketing is the base of every marketing effort, traditional or digital.

If you take the time to make a video explaining the process behind a piece of clothing you put out, or a video showing how to style it, or take the time out to write a blog post on the best outfit to wear to different events while showing off your creation, not only will your social engagement increase, but your brand will become a go-to brand.

Know What’s Working

There are a few more marketing dos and don’ts that you need to know as you prepare your 2023 marketing strategies to increase your chances of success in the new year.

The EZGrowthSchool What’s Working Conference 3 is the best place to learn all about them.

With an amazing speaker lineup from SaaS startups, fintech, small and medium scale businesses and veterans in the growth and marketing space, there is a big bank of information that you are going to be accessing.

Don’t miss the opportunity to scale ahead of next year.

Click here to request more information on the biggest conference yet.

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