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Growth Stories

“Tech Marketing Allows me put my Psychology Training to Use” – Tobenna Chukwuma

You cannot be a successful marketer if you don’t have the ability to sniff out what people want.

And that is why the greatest marketers of all time always link it to the discipline of psychology – the study of human behaviour.

From the wants and needs to why the human wants or needs certain things, to understanding why they want and need these things to finding out the reason behind these wants and needs as well as the limits they are willing to push for those wants and needs, psychology opens up a whole world to marketers.

This is why Tobenna Chukwuma got intrigued enough to pick up a marketing degree after a psychology one.

“Before delving into tech, I obtained a marketing degree from Covenant University [Ogun State, Nigeria],” Tobenna shares. “My background in psychology sparked my fascination with marketing. Following my graduation, I became a part of a community of writers and composed numerous stories and essays for individuals.

“During this writing journey, I was introduced to the concept of content marketing.”

Content marketing is just one of many branches of tech marketing. And as Tobenna continued to practice, he began to understand the psychology behind the kind of content that worked for marketing efforts.

His world opened to the idea that there’s more to what he was involved in.

Tobenna reminisces on why he chose to study and pursue a career in marketing and how psychology pushed him to that path. “I made the decision to pursue a career in marketing during my third year of university when I discovered the connection between marketing and psychology.

“Enrolling in a psychology course was a real eye-opener for me.”

ALSO READ: “Photography led me to Tech Marketing,” Says Oreoluwa Ogunmola

But content marketing felt limiting to him. “After a while, I grew tired of the lack of challenge and wanted to take on more responsibility, and gain more knowledge and experience. So, I made the decision to quit my job at the time and pursue further education in marketing.”

That was how he came to fully understand that marketing and technology could intersect, and that content marketing was only but a part of the broader tech marketing picture.

He speaks glowingly of how much fundamentals of psychology are applied in tech marketing, citing it as the chief reason he decided to understand more about tech marketing.

“Marketing in the tech industry can be an intriguing field, particularly for those who have a foundation in psychology,” Tobenna says. “With the advancements in technology, it has become more effortless to implement psychological principles into marketing strategies.

“For instance, comprehending how the brain interprets visual data can aid in crafting more compelling advertisements, while understanding how individuals make purchasing decisions can inform product design and pricing strategies.”

Tobenna is now at a point where he enjoys what he’s doing. He’s able to put his psychology training to full use and get “intellectually stimulated” by the everyday tasks he performs at his job.

Getting to this point, however, was not a walk in the park for him despite all his prior training in marketing and psychology.

“Staying current with the evolving trends and developments in the tech marketing industry is crucial,” Tobenna says about his learning curve. “Balancing both creativity and technicality to create effective campaigns that capture the audience’s attention while still conveying the product’s technical features is quite challenging.

“[Learning about] various tools and techniques for data collection, analysis and interpretation, such as statistical analysis, data visualisation, and machine learning [to understand] the vast amount of data generated by technology [while cultivating] the skill set to analyse and extract insights from it to make informed decisions [is challenging].”

He then goes on to state that this is also what he enjoys the most about tech marketing.

Having reached a point where he is picking up skills easily and braving the challenges of constant updates to technology and the marketing strategies to deal with those technologies, Tobenna now feels like a fulfilled psychologist.

Growth Stories is a weekly series chronicling the journey of EZGrowthSchool alumni and rising stars in the tech marketing space.

Growth Stories

Photography Led me to Tech Marketing”, says Oreoluwa Ogunmola

The thing about tech marketing that makes it such a brilliant career path for anyone is how easy it is to transfer skills.

This is why Oreoluwa Ogunmola, a photographer, was able to fall in love with it and carve a path in it.

“Before I stumbled upon the tech world, I studied agronomy at the prestigious University of  Ibadan,” Oreoluwa says. “However, during my practical year, I decided to explore my creative side and delve into photography.

“Photography quickly became my passion, and it remains so today.

“It also introduced me to graphic design and social media management, as I had to promote my brand and design photo books. These skills have come in handy in my digital marketing journey.”

Life as a photographer cum digital marketer not only allowed Oreoluwa to express his innate creativity in order to attract the right customers for his budding brand, but opened up a new path for him.

“Tech transformed businesses in ways that amazed me” – Oreoluwa

Oreoluwa came to discover tech marketing when he took his new skills as a digital marketer to the job market and landed his first gig.

“My first introduction to tech [marketing] was during my job as a content creator for a food and drinks company,” Oreoluwa reminisces. “As part of my role, I had to create content that would drive traffic and sales to the company’s website.

“I was amazed at how technology transformed businesses’ marketing of products and services. I started to delve deeper into the field, reading industry news and best practices, attending webinars, and taking online courses to develop my skills.

“As I continued to explore tech marketing, I realised that it was the perfect blend of my passion for photography, design, and creativity and my interest in using technology to solve problems. 

“I was hooked and knew I wanted to build my career in this space.”

Oreoluwa would make the decision to switch gears almost immediately. He would now take his creativity as a photographer and his learned skills as a digital marketer and apply them towards tech marketing.

“I had doubts, but I believed in my ability” – Oreoluwa

But like any other big step in life, there were moments when he felt he was taking on too much. “Of course, there were moments of doubt and uncertainty along the way, as there always are with any significant decision,” he would add.

“But I didn’t let those moments hold me back. I believed in myself and my ability to learn and grow and was determined to make it work.”

At EZGrowthSchool, the learners are put through a series of intense hands-on tasks and challenges so that they can see the results of their learning first hand. This gives them more confidence when faced with interviews for roles and with future tasks.

As an alumni, Oreoluwa looks back on his time in the school with pride and gratitude. He lets out a little nervous chuckle, however, thanks to the intensity of the learning that, according to him, would sometimes see him struggle.

“Tech marketing often involves working with complex software and data, which can be intimidating for those without a solid technical background,” he points out. “However, it’s important to remember that many of these tools can be learned with practice and perseverance.

“The sheer amount of information and resources available can be overwhelming. Knowing where to start and what information is most valuable can be difficult.”

“Tech marketing is challenging and fulfilling” – Oreoluwa

As I pried further into the WHY of his decision to switch career paths and come learn at EZGrowthSchool, Oreoluwa would point out that it was not just passion or curiosity that made him choose to adapt his skills to tech marketing. It was the challenge of adapting, more than the skills, that pushed him to try and succeed.

“I enjoy the challenge of tech marketing,” Oreoluwa says with a smile. “It requires a combination of creativity, analytical thinking, and problem-solving skills, and I find it satisfying to see my work’s impact on a business.

“Whether through increasing website traffic, generating leads, or driving sales, tech marketing allows me to see tangible results from my efforts.”

His learning has not stopped despite being beaten down and rebuilt by the careful hands of the EZGrowthSchool faculty. Now a full fledged tech marketer, he still faces the same challenges as when he just started on the path.

In fact, the actual practice is even more daunting to the fickle of heart. But not for Oreoluwa, who sees the challenge as something welcome.

“That’s part of what makes tech marketing so exciting – you never know what might work until you try it,” he says. “And when you find something that resonates with your audience, it’s incredibly rewarding to see your work’s impact on the success of your company or organisation.”

Content Marketing

Get Familiar With Content Marketing With These Terms

First of all, I’d like to get it off my chest how happy I am that content marketing isn’t seen as an easy gig anymore.

It takes a lot of time and research to understand humans, and then apply that knowledge into creating content around a product or a topic that could interest them.

This is because content marketing is a big part of tech marketing. Some might say it is the backbone of tech marketing.

For those people, their reasoning is simple: a product cannot sell itself. Content needs to be created to show the value of that product to its potential user.

There is also a lot of terminology that content marketers need to understand and then apply to their work.

Here are five (5) of those terms.

Content Marketing

It makes sense to start with the definition of the term, content marketing, doesn’t it?

Or maybe a reminder, for those who are a little familiar with the term.

The Oxford dictionary defines it as “a type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services.”

In simpler terms, content marketing is creating content about a product or service for a targeted audience to give them a reason to use/buy that product.

Now different experts have their definitions. But the central theme is clear.

And that is to “stimulate interest” in a product.

Whatever you choose to define content marketing as, in the end, your aim should be to lead customers towards the final stages of their buyer journey. Click To Tweet

Buyer Persona

Grace is a 25-year-old bank customer service agent who loves listening to the radio in the morning. She says it helps centre her for the day.

She enjoys light breakfasts like bread and a cup of chocolate beverage in the morning. As she eats, she takes the time to listen to her favourite podcast or to browse Instagram.

The only thing she doesn’t enjoy about mornings is the commute to work. Public transport can be a drag in Nigeria.

She earns well enough, but not enough to buy and maintain a car. If only there was a way to make commuting to work easier and less stressful for her.

What you just read is called a buyer persona.

It is a sketch of a target’s relevant characteristics.

Now, there’s a new product in town. A ride hailing service.

People like Grace are their targets.

A content marketer is someone who identifies people like Grace, and creates content for her to sell the idea of the new ride hailing service.

Without a buyer persona, a content marketer is just stringing some fancy words together.

User-generated content

People will always give testimonies about places they’ve been to or products they’ve used.

Those testimonials are called user-generated content.

To define the term, it is content created about your brand by the end users which you can amplify to generate new leads.

A good content marketer is always on the lookout for these types of content.

This is because it is the most genuine form of marketing that any product can ask for.

A good product typically sells itself. So when the users share their good experiences, more people tend to make buying decisions quicker.

A good product typically sells itself. So when the users share their good experiences, more people tend to make buying decisions quicker. This is heaven for any smart content marketer. Click To Tweet

Content Curation

This is a hack that has saved many a content marketer from losing their audience.

It has also saved many from losing their jobs.

To curate means to gather relevant stuff together and present as one whole. Take a colonial and slavery history museum for example.

Colonialism and slavery took place over hundreds of years. A curator goes and gathers evidence of these events and organises them in one place.

In that way, one single story tells hundreds of years of stories.

As it is with museum curators, so it is with content marketing.

Content marketers hunt for relevant content in their niche, gather them into one piece of content, and put them out to their target audience.

Curated content could be old pieces of content, user-generated content, and content in the same niche from another author or brand.

This is a way to show your audience that you care about their general education and that you’re not just trying to sell stuff to them.

Calls to action (CTAs)

This is the most important part of content marketing.

Every piece of content created by a content marketer is targeted at an audience.

They want to educate, inform or entertain. But at the same time, they want to help the audience make a decision.

Take a content marketer in the skincare industry.

After creating content about how to deal with acne, there’s always a next step the content marketer would like the reader to follow.

It could be to buy a product. It could be to check out a review of a product that can be used for acne treatment. Or it could be to check out other pieces of content on skin care.

A call to action is a simple message encouraging the reader to make any of these decisions after consuming that piece of content.

The standard is to have the CTA at the end of the content. But sometimes, there can be more than one action that the content marketer would like the audience to take.

In such a case, they can have CTAs placed strategically across their content.

In short, a piece of content with not CTA wasn’t created for marketing purposes.

Calls to action are the end goal of every content marketing endeavour. A piece of content with not CTA wasn't created for marketing purposes. Click To Tweet

Understanding is one thing…

But it is just the first step.

As mentioned earlier, there is a lot of terminology surrounding content marketing. But a good grasp of these five will help you break the walls to the space.

The next step is to keep learning while you put what you’ve just read into practice.

Sign up to our free newsletter so you can get more education on content marketing and other aspects of tech marketing.

School of Growth and Tech Marketing

Technical Marketing: An Overview

Two things led you to click this link.

One, your curiosity about the topic of technical marketing.

Two, the need to understand how to get people to click on links you send them, just as you clicked on this link.

I will answer question one in a bit. But the quickest answer to question two is to sign up for EZGrowthSchool’s January 2023 Tech Marketing programme.

If you still have any doubts about the answer given to question two, the rest of the article will spell them out and address them succinctly

Your rise lifts us higher, after all.

What is Tech Marketing?

Every day as you scroll through your timeline, read your favourite blogs, or even open your favourite apps, you are bombarded with brands offering different goods and services.

Some of the methods they employ are really cringey, but they’re tech marketing efforts nonetheless.

Tech marketing probably does not stand for what you think it is.

The term, in full, is in fact, “Technical Marketing”.

Indeed.com, one of the world’s leading recruitment platforms, defines it as “promoting the features and specifications of a product or service.”

The article goes on to describe tech marketing as a “specific type of marketing (that) highlights technical aspects that people with a basic understanding of the product or service may appreciate.”

In essence, tech marketing helps you see the bigger picture of a product or service by introducing you to the parts that make up the whole.

Let us make one thing clear, though.

Tech marketing’s style of focusing on features appeals to prospective customers who already have an idea of how to use the product.

This means that, if you’re selling a phone using technical marketing methods, you’re telling people about features like the battery capacity, RAM size, and camera megapixels.

It sounds very exclusive, we know.

But in 2023, this is the method being employed because brands are creating loads more digital products.

And that is why the world needs more technical marketers.

How to Become a Tech Marketer

You don’t become a tech marketer. No.

There is no job description like that anywhere.

However, there are product marketers and growth marketers.

These two roles make up the tech marketing discipline and only the Avatar, master of these two elements, is worthy of introducing themselves as a tech marketer.

I’ll tell you why I likened being a true tech marketer to being the Avatar.

Product marketing is a subgenre of tech marketing that deals with taking a product to its intended market.

A product marketer understands the pain points of the eventual consumer and relays it to the product developers for the brand, who then build exactly what the customer needs.

Then they begin their marketing efforts, highlighting the product’s features, as they generate leads that eventually become sales.

Where the product marketer’s role ends, is where the growth marketer’s role begins.

After working with the product marketer to create a go-to-market strategy, the growth marketer begins to study data.

The growth marketer ponders over data detailing the length of time the customers spend using the product, how long they spend before buying, how much they are willing to pay for certain features, and so on.

Then they create a strategy to make this data trend positively for the company.

As you can see, both roles are very demanding.

Only the Avatar can take them both on without breaking a sweat.

Sign Up for the EZGrowthSchool January 2023 Tech Marketing Programme

Tech marketers are in high demand now and companies are willing to pay the big bucks to secure the best talents.

Do you want a share of those big bucks?

Acquire the skills now!

At EZGrowthSchool, we will help you identify your strengths and help you become employable in just four months!

To assure you that we’re not all talk, these are our guarantees to you.

  • A job after graduation
  • Refund of tuition fee after they don’t get a job three (3)months after graduation

Sign up using this link now and get started on your journey!

School of Growth and Tech Marketing

5 reasons why EZGrowthSchool’s Growth and Tech Marketing programme is key to your success in 2023

Here are five important reasons why you should sign up for EZGrowthSchool’s Growth and Tech Marketing January 2023 cohort.

But first, a little background on why the EZGrowthSchool’s Growth and Tech Marketing programme exists.

EZGrowthSchool’s Growth and Tech Marketing programme: The “Why”

The rise of tech startups creating digital solutions to the problems for the masses has created a need for marketing experts to find a way to apply their skills in the tech industry.

As such, marketers need to develop certain skills to be able to bridge this gap, birthing a new breed of marketers: Growth Marketers.

For this reason, EZGrowthSchool has decided to aggregate all the available knowledge from experts around the world into a programme that is inexpensive and time friendly for anybody interested in breaking into this field.

Now, here are those five reasons why you should sign up for EZGrowthSchool’s Growth and Tech Marketing programme.

In 2023, there will be an even greater need for people with skills to take digital products to their intended consumers.The best time to acquire those skills was last year. The next best time is now! Click To Tweet
  1. EZGrowthSchool’s tech marketing programme is virtual and flexible

You see, in the end, we are all salespeople. It just so happens that now, tech is what people are selling.

If you can’t sell tech, or you can’t sell using tech, you’re setting yourself up for stagnation in your career.

Sign up for EZGrowthSchool’s January 2023 tech marketing programme now and secure your future in a rapidly changing world.

It is fully virtual and does not require any form of travelling to learn.

Your only requirement? A good internet-enabled device you can learn with.

It is also very flexible because you can learn at your own pace!

The live classes, webinars, project guidelines are all recorded for you to retake them in case you miss a day.

You will have no issues learning with EZGrowthSchool.

  1. EZGrowthSchool is an aggregator programme

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

This African proverb cannot be more straightforward.

You see, EZGrowthSchool is different in its approach.

While other programmes tend to rely on their experts who have tried and tested their methods after months or even years of studying from other experts, EZGrowthSchool brings in those other experts alongside our own experts to show the learners the way.

EZGrowthSchool also pools resources together from some of the best in the game to help the learners on their journey.

Videos tutorials from the likes of HubSpot academy and specialised classes from Skillshare which would have cost the learners a pretty penny are made available for them to broaden their perspectives.

We go far together at EZGrowthSchool and this is why our Growth and Tech Marketing programme is for you.

  1. EZGrowthSchool provides job support after the programme

“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”

This is what EZGrowthSchool does with its job support platform after the learners are done with the programme.

We show them the ropes of navigating interviews. We show them where the good jobs can be found. We recommend them for jobs when they come our way.

We are with our growth schoolers every step of the way until they land the tech marketing job of their dreams.

If you’re not convinced about why you should sign up for EZGrowthSchool’s January 2023 tech marketing programme by now, the next two reasons will definitely clear your doubts.

  1. EZGrowthSchool is a hands-on school

Our alumni have lots of great experiences working on actual projects in the tech marketing space thanks to EZGrowthSchool.

While the growth schoolers learn, we keep them busy with real life projects to test the level of their learning.

The best ones are implented for clients and the growth schoolers get to see their work making an impact in real time.

The ones that don’t make the cut and scrutinised and corrected with a view to making the next projects better.

By the time our learners are done with the tech marketing programme, they have gained enough experience which they can add to their CVs and résumés for future job applications.

It doesn’t get much better than this, I assure you.

Learning on the job has been proven to be the most cost effective form of training in several industries.The benefits are numerous and more employers will be better served if they adopt it. Click To Tweet
  1. EZGrowthSchool is fun!

Leaening does not have to be serious.

Yes, learning is serious business, but “all work and no play makes Chimamkpam a dull boy”, no?

EZGrowthSchool eases everyone into learning everyday with fun activities, fun chatrooms, ice breaker events, and weekend virtual parties to celebrate the learners.

EZGrowthSchool also makes sure to feature the growth schoolers on social media to show the world how much fun they’re having learning the skills of the future.

Sign up now for 30% off!

You read right!

If you sign up for the EZGrowthSchool January 2023 tech marketing programme NOW, you’ll get 30% off your tuition!

This offer is a limited one, however.

But the next offer is not limited.

If you sign up to be an affiliate of EZGrowthSchool, you’ll earn for life!

Every person you refer to an EZGrowthSchool tech marketing cohort earns you a commission.

To take advantage of this offer, sign up using this link.

Product Marketing

What does a Product Marketing Manager do?

For starters, the job of a product marketing manager cannot precisely be boxed into a role.

A product marketing manager is everywhere as long as a company has products to sell.

Product development. Research and development. Sales. Marketing. A product marketing manager has their hands in the cookie jars of all these departments.

So if you were to answer the question, “What does a Product Marketing manager do?”, you could say that a product marketing manager (PMM) is a link between all these intricate roles. A PMM works at the intersection of all these roles to ensure that the company’s ideas, values and offerings through a product they have created are correctly conveyed to the target audience to get them to buy the product.

Marketing in Product Marketing Management

A PMM is, first of all, a marketer. It is a role that one achieves after working their way up the product marketing career ladder. It is important to note, however, that a PMM’s role is different depending on where they find themselves. For example, at a tech startup or tech-based company, a PMM does work that a PMM at a media company has no business doing.

To learn more about what it takes to become a full-fledged PMM, this article breaks it down succinctly for you.

Now, let’s take a look at a PMM as a marketer.

It’s all in the name: Product Marketing.

Product marketing is the process of taking a product to the market. Therefore, a PMM must make sure that they focus on making sure that the product is marketed to the target audience.

Whatever strategies they come up with in collaboration with the product development teams, research teams, sales teams and even marketing teams of their brands, if the product fails to get noticed by the people it was created for, they have failed.

Luckily, failure for a PMM is a means to getting more insights on how to better reach the product’s intended audience. But because most marketing efforts are expensive, a PMM needs to make sure their strategies are airtight, leaving little room for failure.

This means that they have to be invested in understanding the target audience and their pain points (buyer persona), crafting the message that puts the product as the best solution to their needs (product messaging and positioning), before they go on to create customer acquisition plans with the sales team of their brand.

Management in Product Marketing Management

Marketing may be the first point of contact for a PMM, but it doesn’t end there.

They are in charge of managing the funnel to sales from the marketing efforts of the brand for said product.

This is where their collaboration with the marketing team, research and development team and the product development team becomes important.

You see, products have life cycles. This means they have a limited time to remain on the shelves in the markets before customers move on to something new and similar or a totally different product that solves the same problem from a unique angle.

A PMM needs to be on top of every data to see how customers are using the product. This will provide insight into how much longer the product has on the shelves i.e. how much time the product has left in its lifecycle.

This data, which they collaborate with the research team to collate, will help them in coming up with new features for the product development team to build into the product. This will now be communicated to the marketing team who will effect the changes to their marketing efforts.

Let us take an FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods) product as an example.

A yoghurt company starts by making plain yoghurt for its consumers. It eventually discovers that changing the taste or the flavour increases patronage towards their product.

Eventually, they make variations of their yoghurt: strawberry, peach, apple, and so on. Soon, they acquired new customers because of the addition of these new flavours while keeping their old customers and those who loved their original offering of plain yoghurt.

This is the result of the PMM managing the product’s lifecycle effectively.

Without this, there will be no growth for the product and they could miss opportunities to attract new customers and even capture a new market.

You have what it takes to become a PMM!

Now that you know what a product marketing manager does, you too can become one!

This is because you have something to sell either as a company staff or as an entrepreneur.

But it is not a role you can assume. You need proper training. And that is why we at EZGrowthSchool have created this amazing Product Marketing Crash Course to introduce you to the basics of product marketing and set you on the path to becoming a PMM.

Take advantage of this offer by following this link to the course and you will be glad you did!

Product Marketing

Marketing in 2023: Dos and Don’ts

For you, today is the first day of a successful new year.

Not because it’s New Year’s day, but because you clicked this link. And because the information contained in this post is going to help you with your 2023 marketing strategies.

It is bound to transform your marketing efforts in the new year and beyond if adhered to.

You see, digital marketing is the fastest-rising marketing medium in the world. Whether it is social media marketing, email marketing or long-form content marketing via blog posts and technical writing, product marketing or growth marketing, the world is shifting bases towards grabbing a controlling stake in the digital world.

With so much competition for the attention of a few, most of who already have brands they trust to do business with, what then, are your chances?

Why digital marketing?

The fact that this question has to be answered in this day and age shows you how much of an evolution it has undergone since it first became recognised as a marketing medium.

When it was first introduced, it was unilaterally defined then as the process of creating awareness for a brand online to generate leads that become clients or paying customers.

The definition has not changed much since then, but now, there are a lot of other factors to consider.

Factors like where your consumers are (what platforms they spend time on the most), what they interact with online (what kinds of content they consume), their general likes and dislikes, and their thoughts about certain products and/or services are key considerations in digital marketing efforts.

Now, digital marketing is not only focused on marketing a brand to customers but BUILDING relationships between customers and brands.

Your 2023 marketing strategies must focus on building a relationship between your customers and your brand.Do this, and you will have loyal paying customers in no time.#WWConference3 Click To Tweet

This sounds like a lot of work, right?

But if you are reading this, you know that the effort put into digital marketing is nothing compared to the effort put into traditional marketing.

And this is why it is the fastest-rising marketing channel because small businesses – all 332.99 million of them, according to 2021 data – and startups are making this their primary marketing effort.

Marketing Dos and Don’ts

DOS: Work twice as hard to develop a brand voice and identity

The reason this helps you become successful is that it makes people aware of your brand even if you’re not doing anything big.

Take telecommunications giant MTN for example.

Their yellow branding has become so iconic, that it is now memed with reference to them. So has their tagline, “Everywhere you go.”

They do not need to do any major advertising with such a standout identity and voice because they are ingrained in the subconscious minds of millions of Nigerians.

Another example is the fashion brand Ugo Monye.

The groundbreaking designer broke the internet with his agbada collection back in 2018 and has now become a reference point for fashion enthusiasts when it comes to agbada fashion.

Most of your marketing efforts will depend on this one thing, so give it ample time as you come up with your 2023 marketing strategies.

Standing out as a brand in the vast, endless ocean that is social media is difficult, but the easiest way is to spend time in developing a brand identity that is unmistakeably you.#WWConference3 Click To Tweet

DON’TS: Don’t fuel digital fatigue

Sabinus is currently one of the best skit makers in the country. For that reason, a lot of brands want to work with him.

One brand gives him a brief. You watch his skit advertising that brand, and you laugh. You also take note of the brand.

Two days later, you see Mr Macaroni doing a skit advertising the same brand. You laugh, because the skit is funny, and you recall that you had seen the same brand in Sabinus’ skit.

A few hours later, Taaooma’s skit comes on your feed, and there is the same brand, again. The loud laughter that you were cooking in your belly is suddenly seized and only a slight chuckle comes out.

You keep scrolling, and you see the same brand advertising on their own social media handle.

If you spend time on social media, you can relate to the above.

What was just described is called Digital Fatigue.

It is true that people are spending loads more time on their phones, so it is important that you market to them on mobile. But, if you keep bombarding them with the same thing, you will lose them before you even get them.

The fastest way to lose customers and traction?Bombard them with similar content.#WWConference3 Click To Tweet

DOS: Focus on features

Now, there is one way to get Sabinus, Mr Macaroni and Taaooma all talking about your brand and make it seem fresh.

Take a small fashion brand that makes different articles of clothing for men, women and children for example.

Sabinus could market to the men, Mr Macaroni to the women, and Taaooma to the children. That way, you pull the attention of people, who will more than likely seek out your brand’s social media or website to see all that you have to offer.

If you are a brand that creates a digital product, for example, a SaaS brand, focus on one or two solutions that your product offers AT A TIME. Use that to draw people in and show them the full range of what your product can do.

For this, you will probably need the services of a product marketer and as time goes on, a growth marketer.

DON’TS: Ignore content marketing at your own risk

You may think, “I only make and sell clothes. Why do I have to create so much content?”

The truth is, you don’t.

If you want to be one of the brands people tune out instinctively, that is.

You see, whether in your 2023 marketing strategies or in your 2024 marketing strategies or even in your 2029 marketing strategies, the role of content marketing cannot be overemphasised.

This is because:

  • Content marketing shows customers the true value of doing business with your brand or what they stand to gain by buying your product.
  • Content marketing helps you build the relationships that are key to getting loyal paying customers
  • Content marketing helps to show your knowledge of the problem the customer had before seeking your brand or product out as the solution.
  • Content marketing sets you apart from your competition
  • Content marketing is the base of every marketing effort, traditional or digital.

If you take the time to make a video explaining the process behind a piece of clothing you put out, or a video showing how to style it, or take the time out to write a blog post on the best outfit to wear to different events while showing off your creation, not only will your social engagement increase, but your brand will become a go-to brand.

Know What’s Working

There are a few more marketing dos and don’ts that you need to know as you prepare your 2023 marketing strategies to increase your chances of success in the new year.

The EZGrowthSchool What’s Working Conference 3 is the best place to learn all about them.

With an amazing speaker lineup from SaaS startups, fintech, small and medium scale businesses and veterans in the growth and marketing space, there is a big bank of information that you are going to be accessing.

Don’t miss the opportunity to scale ahead of next year.

Click here to request more information on the biggest conference yet.

What’s working Conference

What is the What’s Working Conference?

Imagine this scenario.

You’ve worked as a sales person for most of your life. Your methods work. You’ve got the charm and charisma to go with it.

Then a younger sales person comes and steals your shine. You go from being the “top dog” in your organisation, to becoming the “has been”. Your charm and charisma can only get you laughs and comments like, “I’ll think about it.”

Yeah. It is pretty depressing to think about.

Now imagine you paid attention to what’s working at every point in time.

EZGrowthSchool What’s Working Conference: The “Why”

Equilibrium Zone was founded to tackle this problem and EZGrowthSchool is one of its many vehicles to drive this solution home.

Then again, it is one thing to train the next generation of growth managers and marketers, and it is another thing to send them into the world without knowing what’s working.

And so, the What’s Working Conference was conceived. As to how it was born, we are really proud of that story.

Every webinar host, course creator and coach teaches the basics.But many fail to show the people learning under them what's working.#WWC3 #ComingSoon Click To Tweet

The principal of EZGrowthSchool, Oluwamayowa Oshidero, thought it would be a brilliant way to close out each cohort.

The school would both equip them with the basic techniques and help them develop their minds to be able to think critically in the industry. But before they go, they would liaise with industry experts to learn directly from their experiences on what is and what isn’t working.

The first conference planned, executed and hosted by the members of the January 2022 cohort, was rolled out to great success. Speakers from Nigeria’s fastest rising tech startups and industry giants were present at the conference, held virtually, to speak to the members of the cohort and hundreds of invitees.

The feedback was incredible and what could have been a one time thing, became a series.

EZGrowthSchool What’s Working Conference: The “When”

So far, the EZGrowthSchool What’s Working Conference has been hosted at the end of every cohort.

The first conference happened on April 18, 2022 with the keynote topic being, “What’s Working: Staying ahead of the curve”. The session was handled by Olabinjo Adeniran, a tech marketing, crypto and venture capital guru. It wrapped up the January cohort of EZGrowthSchool.

The next cohort happened on July 30, 2022 with the keynote topic being, “Proven techniques that guarantee effective growth results”. The session was handled by Milton Tutu, the growth and marketing manager at Selar. It wrapped up the April cohort of EZGrowthSchool.

Because we are all about delivering value, we compiled the sessions into podcast episodes. You can find the sessions from both conferences here.

EZGrowthSchool What’s Working Conference: What to expect

Now, you have a general feel of what the conference is about, You’ve seen the speakers who have interacted with our students and the invitees.

But you are still wondering what you stand to gain. “I’m sure it’s more of the same,” you may be thinking.

Here’s what to expect from What’s Working Conference 3.

Industry experience – Every speaker is industry vetted. They have tried, failed and succeeded at many things to get to where they are. They will come to share actionable strategies that they discovered from years of research and engagement for you to learn from.

Industry insight – It’s not called the “What’s Working Conference” for nothing. Each experience is backed up with data, case studies and references for your personal research. You learn from the experiences shared in the sessions, and you see the data gathered from those experiences which you can pull from to equip your personal arsenal with.

Community – The conference may end with the last speaker, but it does not end as you will gain access to periodic updates on What’s Working through our comprehensive newsletters, with input from our speakers.

EZGrowthSchool What’s Working Conference 3

It’s almost time for the next What’s Working Conference and we cannot wait to unveil the speaker lineup!

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn to keep up with us and the upcoming conference.

And if you want real time information, sign up for our newsletter to get all the inside information straight to your inbox!

Product Marketing

Product Marketing Case Study-Uber

The Secret to why it is one of the fast-growing startups in this present age

Today, we’re going to be looking at a unique company.

One that has come through for us in many moments of need for a small fee which, compared to the solution it has provided, seems like a giveaway.

Today, we’re going to be taking a peek into Uber, and how they became the giants they are now.

You’re sure to learn a thing or two, so read on with your eyes peeled and your senses attuned!

About Uber

Uber is a private company based in San Francisco, California that provides transportation facilities online through its website or mobile app. The company was founded in 2009 by Garrett Camp and Travis Kalanick, both Silicon Valley big boys who thought that they really didn’t need to drive around all the time.

The available solutions which involved sitting or standing and waiting at a stop under rain, snow or shine to get a cab was not doing it for them. And so they thought, “Why not build something that solves this?”

And the solution they came up with was an app that allowed everyone to sit in the comfort of their homes or offices and call a cab using their smartphones.

It was innovation at its finest and many years later, it has a huge consumer base with around 100 million users!

But at first, it didn’t really take off as they expected.

So, what did they do?

Uber’s Marketing Strategy

At first, they marketed their product by telling others in their network. Word of mouth marketing, so to speak.

It went really well for them, as their reputations preceded them and whatever products they both built or had been involved in individually or as a team had come to be trusted.

As time went on, they leaned into social media and worked it so well that Uber became a household name. Uber’s so popular now, that even smartphones suggest it when using their keyboards!

Amazing work, right?

But that’s just the small bit.

Because this is a product marketing case study, let us analyse Uber’s marketing strategy carefully. And to do that, we are going to be using the Marketing Mix formula, also called the 4 P’s of marketing. They are:

  • Product
  • Price
  • Place
  • Promotion

Marketing Mix is a tactic used by any business company to promote their product or services, reach out to the customer and create a strong market position. Click To Tweet

Product Strategy of Uber

Camp and Kalanick have gone through several stages in their product development and have now finally settled on three major services the business offers through the app.

These services are:

1. Uber Ride – This provides transportation services through which anyone can travel to any location by booking a cab with a few clicks. The company ensures the safety and hygiene of the cabs.

2. Uber Eats – The company also provides food delivery services by which you can order food and get it delivered to your place from your favourite restaurants with a minimal delivery fee.

3. Uber Freight – In this Uber provides a parcel transportation service, by which you can send any kind of parcel with different customizable packings anywhere.

All these services are available in a single app that is user-friendly and easily accessible.

Pricing Strategy of Uber

As Uber became a global product, the founders knew that their pricing for the United States of America, where the app was conceived and built, would create adaptation problems for them in the other regions of the world they were expanding to.

And so, they applied Marketing 101 knowledge: Price according to who you’re serving.

Many businesses fail because they believe in a uniform price. But this is a trick most global businesses operate on and it is exactly why they are global even with the unstable economic situation of the world.

Uber  defines its prices according to the country and the area it is working in. It has different charges for every country.

There are several kinds of cabs available of different sizes for every number of customers and the prices are charged accordingly. The prices also fluctuate with demand-supply conditions and premium charges are collected in peak hours.

Place and Distribution Strategy of Uber

Uber has expanded and is still expanding its services in different regions. It provides its services across the world in over 40 countries and 700 plus cities. They distribute their services through their websites and mobile apps that are available both on Android and iOS platforms.

You can request rides and meals at any place by just a tap and you can easily track your orders from the app.

The app also has a customer support system, where customers can post any kind of complaints or difficulties faced.

Promotional Strategy of Uber

This is where it gets really interesting.

Remember we learnt that Uber was first marketed using word of mouth? And that, as time went on, it worked social media to its benefit?

They did not stop there, of course!

They have tried many other attempts to promote the brand and grab the attention of customers. Some of these strategies failed, while some succeeded. Among those ones that succeeded, some took quite some time to yield results.

And herein lies the first teachable moment.

Uber relied heavily on data to keep going with some of their promotional efforts. If they had baulked at the possibility of a failed marketing effort, some of these would have stalled their progress by a few years. Product Growth Marketing is data based and it is this data that leads to creating the product that customers would enjoy using.

Among the efforts which took time to yield results were their referral program, where free rides and coupon codes were provided for existing users who helped them acquire new customers to get discounts of up to 25% on Uber trips.

After some time, that marketing effort yielded the results the founders wanted and it became one of Uber’s most popular promotional tools. They essentially converted their customers to marketers who employed word-of-mouth marketing just so they could get free rides and discounts on their next trip.

Since then, Uber doesn’t spend much on advertising. All they do is roll out new offers and features, and the customers do the rest.

There’s also the occasional promotional stunt, of course. What’s a brand without them?

Now that we have seen the Marketing Mix in action for Uber, let us take a look at some lessons from their product marketing process, shall we?

Lessons learnt from Uber Marketing Strategy

Uber created a winning solution: Uber founder Travis Kalanick saw a problem with the way cabs were hailed and created a new way to solve it with a unique solution. Him and his co-founder reimagined the taxi experience to make it more attractive, seamless, and convenient for everyone involved.

The biggest foundational element of creating a winning marketing strategy is to have a winning product or service — unlike anything anyone else has seen before.

Uber connected a great team with a sizeable market: Kalanick understood the importance of having a strong project manager, so his first step before launching the business or thinking about a marketing campaign was to align himself with the right person for the job.

They got the funding they needed: Uber would not be the massive success it is today without capital. It is going to be a lot harder to orchestrate successful marketing campaigns without proper funding.

In its first round of funding, Uber raised $11 million from backers. Today, Uber has funded over 22 rounds of funding for a total of $24.2 billion. The first $11 million was raised in 2010.

Uber knows their customer base: Uber knows their target audience and as a result of that, they were able to effectively market to them.

Uber understood the needs of both their riders and drivers and was able to create effective,  innovative marketing strategies to meet the needs of both sets of people.

For example, Uber focused on marketing Uber Eats during the Covid-19 pandemic. In the United Kingdom, the company also befriended the community by carrying out a campaign that focused on praising the work of frontline healthcare workers with their campaign #GratefulUK. The campaign involved offering healthcare workers free rides and meals and it led to more downloads and rides completed for them.


Now, Uber is expected to generate an astonishing $10 billion in revenue a year, despite growing competition from alternative ride-sharing companies such as Lyft.

And with its impressive Product Marketing, Given current trends, it is expected that the company will continue growing over the next few years.

Sign up for our Product Marketing Crash Course and get many more in depth case studies like this to arm yourself with the knowledge to sell to TODAY’s customers.

Click the link to grab yours now.


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